Avatar Offroad is a small company out of Salt Lake City, UT that designs, fabricates, and sells off-road vehicle accessories. Avatar was expanding their product offerings to include new vehicles and products and was keenly aware that they didn’t have much of a presence within Google search results. They could find their competitors easy enough but Avatar was nowhere to be found.
Read on to see how a six month engagement with Full Send SEO increased their organic traffic by 80% year over year.

The Avatar Offroad SEO Journey
There is a lot to unpack here to understand how we were able to produce such great gains in organic traffic. Following the three pillars of SEO philosophy we started with a technical SEO site audit that identified updates to internal links and the sites navigation structure were needed to better emphasize the sites core SEO content.
It was also determined that product descriptions were light on content when compared to the competition, so Avatar was at a disadvantage when it came to content for Google to rank them for. Based on these findings, Full Send SEO defined a content plan that outlined focus keywords and content outlines for each product and product category. Working in conjunction with the client we were able to vastly improve the quality and scale of their websites content.
Measurable Impact
One metric that we like to look at is the number of keywords a website ranks for within Google search. That is to say, how many variations of Google searches are there where this website will show up within the search results. If we can increase this keyword volume then we are increasing the opportunities for generating organic traffic from Google searches. In the case of Avatar we were able to increase their keyword volume from 811 to 1200. That’s a 48% increase in keywords.

Evaluating the SEO Impacts of Our Efforts
The 48% increase in keywords was a direct cause towards driving the 80% increase in year over year organic traffic. We know this because we can evaluate the incoming traffic with tools like Google Search Console and SEMRush. Through these tools we can see new traffic coming form keywords that the website didn’t previously rank for. Essentially the new content is working by producing more keyword opportunities for people searching in Google to find Avatar Offroad.