Case study: Alexander Tutoring

Alexander Tutoring

Seeing a 75% increase in organic traffic seemed an impossible task. In this case study we will walk through the process that Alexander Tutoring went though to achieve this transformation with Full Send SEO.

Alexander Tutoring is a leader in online math and physics tutoring. They came to Full Send SEO in 2021 frustrated with their previous SEO efforts: multiple agencies and thousands of dollars that had led to little measurable improvement. Full Send SEO was able to reassure them that there was a path to success and a partnership was born.

Year over year Alexander Tutoring has seen a 75% increase in organic traffic.

Alexander Tutoring year over year organic traffic chart for the month of June 2023 per Google Analytics
Alexander Tutoring year over year organic traffic chart for the month of June 2023 per Google Analytics
Alexander Tutoring year over year organic traffic metrics for the month of June 2023
Alexander Tutoring year over year organic traffic metrics for the month of June 2023 per Google Analytics

As amazing as those numbers are our overall organic growth since this partnership started has been 548%.

Alexander Tutoring two year comparison organic traffic chart per Google Analytics
Alexander Tutoring two year comparison organic traffic chart per Google Analytics
Alexander Tutoring two year comparison organic traffic metrics per Google Analytics
Alexander Tutoring two year comparison organic traffic metrics per Google Analytics

Clearly these are dramatic improvements and a lot of hard work went into making this transformation. Alexander Tutoring deserves a lot of credit as well, they have been diligent in implementing the Full Send SEO recommended changes to their site and content strategy.

“I wasted tens of thousands of dollars on SEO with no measurable results.  I found it very difficult to understand which strategies work, because every agency had a different answer.  The overwhelming majority of SEO agencies put your bank account on auto debit and do very little work.

That all changed when I joined Full Send SEO.  Miles broke down for me which strategies work, and which do not.  We created a strategy that I have been following for the past 2 years, and the results are astronomical.  Our monthly traffic has gone from about 400 visitors per month to 2000 per month and growing.

More importantly, we are continuing to execute the Full Send SEO Strategy on an ongoing basis, which means our traffic should consistently be up and to the right.  This is one of the most valuable investments you can make for your company because SEO leads are very good leads.”

— Sean Alexander, CEO Alexander Tutoring

The SEO Process that Alexander Tutoring Followed

Full Send SEO Technical Site Audit

Step one was to get the house in order. Through a technical audit things like page structure, proper use of heading tags, internal linking issues, accessibility and site performance issues were identified. Alexander Tutoring was able to work with their existing web development team to implement the suggested technical fixes. Full Send SEO advised and validated these fixes throughout the process.

Full Send SEO Keyword and Content Audit

Once the technical audit was complete and the website was structurally ready to fully support SEO efforts we turned our focus to the sites content and the specific keywords we were chasing. One of Alexander Tutoring’s strengths was it had multiple locations and tutors spread out across the bay area. They were also transitioning to a more virtual model as Covid was forcing everyone to re-evaluate work and social environments.

With this in mind we identified the markets / locations that had search volume worth pursuing (San Francisco, Oakland, Marin, San Mateo, South Bay/San Jose, New York City) and built out targeted pages and an internal link structure to let Google understand that Alexander Tutoring is indeed a leader in these spaces. For the emerging virtual business model we also doubled down on “Find a tutor near me“.

Competitive Analysis

Through a detailed competitive analysis we identified where the competition was outperforming Alexander Tutoring on terms we were already ranking for. We also discovered missing opportunities and where the competition was ranking for keywords that we were not.

Full Send SEO created a report specifying which keywords presented the biggest opportunity. There is a nuance here as we want to chase terms that not only have high search volume but are also contextually relevant and that will reinforce our domains “Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness”. Otherwise known as Google’s E-E-A-T SEO metric.

SEO Content Creation

Once the plan was laid out the hard work really began, SEO content creation. This is typically the long pole in any SEO effort, because it requires the largest effort from the client. Again, Alexander Tutoring deserves all the credit here as they jumped in and vigorously took to the task. With the expanded content on related and adjacent subjects Alexander Tutoring’s volume of keywords Google was ranking them for began to increase.

Alexander Tutoring keyword growth chart from SEMRush
Alexander Tutoring keyword growth chart from SEMRush

Every new keyword is another Google search lottery ticket that could potentially drive new users and business to the web site.

Offsite SEO Backlink Campaign

Google’s longstanding SEO philosophy has been websites should create the best content and it will rise to the top of the search results naturally as more and more people across the web recognize that you have the best content and reference it with backlinks of their own. This is fundamentally true but you can also be proactive in helping nature take it’s course.

Full Send SEO is able to create a report that lists all of the websites that are currently backlinking to your competitors for specific keywords and we can use this directory to begin an outreach program. If these websites are willing to link to the competition perhaps they will link to your newly crafted content. Again, this is another reason to create quality content that is useful to users. Content that embodies that Google E-E-A-T metric.

Alexander Tutoring was able to spend time and resources advocating for their content and ultimately building their backlinks which in turn raised their content in the search result ranks driving to these amazing 75% year over year growth numbers.

Alexander Tutoring’s SEO Success

Alexander Tutoring’s SEO success story started when they partnered with Full Send SEO. The ultimate credit really falls to them. They not only listened to our recommendations but fully implemented them from the technical updates, content plans, to backlink campaign. They really embraced the SEO process and are now reaping the additional organic traffic benefits.

For more on Alexander Tutoring checkout their website. If you or your student is in need of tutoring in physics or mathematics they really do know their stuff.

To see how Full Send SEO can support your websites SEO efforts, contact us today.